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Monday, July 7, 2008

What Herbs Have Medicinal Qualities? Ask Doctor Nature

Is that cough taking a bit long?
Are you getting desperate of your red swollen eyes?
Don’t despair often Mother Nature can lend a hand.
Healing plants and their healing power

Medicinal Herbs

Scent healer
What? Lavandula Angustifolia

Where? Originally in countries with a warm and dry climate but now in everybody’s back yard.

Working? Lavender contains flavinoids (anti-oxidants), tanning and terpenes. Anti-oxidants protect the cells against aging. Tanning is anti-inflammatory and disinfects. Terpenes defend against bacteria and fungi. The plant disinfects and calms wounds and itches for example bug bites.

How? Internal and external use. Lavender tea calms the stomach and the intestines. But the plant in products for the skin. Not only because it is calming and disinfecting but also because of the scent. Already since humans exist it is known as a calming scent. Lavender is also used in crèmes massage oil perfumes and incense.
Caution! Don’t use lavender during pregnancy, lavender is known to stimulate menstruation. Another point of caution is that some people react allergic to lavender it can cause a rash or an itch.

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Healing plants and their healing power great Medicinal plants and herbs