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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Stinging Nettle Another one of the herbs with medicinal qualities

Stinging Nettle and its medicinal qualities

What? Urtica dioica and urtica urens

Where? All over the place

Working? Stinging nettle holds a lot of potassium. Which is very important for our fluid levels. Stinging nettle helps against getting rid of fluids and can do a good job with cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) and kidney stones. Furthermore the stinging nettle hold vitamin A, C and K and the minerals Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc.

How? Of the dried leaves you can make a nice tea. The plant we see as weed we can find in anti dandruff shampoos as well.

Caution? Lice don’t like the scent of stinging nettles that’s reason why stinging nettles survives but in the meantime your roses are gone. Did you walk through the stinging nettle? Yes well then you can try this remedy put vinegar on the irritated skin, with that the formic acid and acetylcholine which cause the pain are diluted. A solution of mother nature with the same result: Rub ground ivy or plantains on the affected area. These plants are usually found close to the stinging nettle.