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Friday, July 18, 2008

Hemp and the medicinal uses of herbs

Hemp one of the medieval medicinal herbs

What? Cannabis sativa

Where? Originally from the tropics but know you can grow it anywhere with artificial light.

Working? Hemp contains a lot of Linoleic acid which has a lot of unsaturated fats and this is why it has a good effect on hart and artery diseases. Furthermore hemp oil is easily absorbed by the skin so it prevents a dry skin. But the most remarkable is that the flower of hemp contains a lot of THC. This substance influences directly our brain THC is pain killing and soothing there for cannabis is, in some countries , available as a prescribed drug for pain complaints or sleeping disorders.

The most popular hemp product are the drugs hash (hashish) and marihuana mixed with cigarette tabacco they make up the world famous joint. But hemp is also used for creams against extreme dry skin.

Nauseas from a joint? Take vitamin C and sugar that might give some relieve. Cannabis is not live threatening but can be harmful. For first time users and a overdoses it can cause panic attacks or extreme lethargy. And addicted cannabis smokers seem to be more sensitive to psychoses according recent research.