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Monday, July 28, 2008

Alfalfa and its Medical Qualities

Medicinal Qualities of Alfalfa

The Chinese used Alfalfa to relieve fluid retention and swelling and still are using it for that purpose. The Arabs discovered Alfalfa and named it "the father of all foods." The leaves of this plant are very rich in minerals and nutrients like calcium, potassium, carotene and magnesium. The Arabs first fed it to their horses because they believed the Alfalfa made them swift and mighty. Alfalfa has been fed to animals for over a thousand years but is also used as herbal medication.

Alfalfa a perennial herb, has a extensive history of dietary and medicinal uses and research has proven the herb might lower blood levels of cholesterol and glucose. A lot of people use Alfalfa supplements orally and is has been proven safe apart from a small percentage of people where it shows lupus like symptoms. In the seeds and sprouts of Alfalfa, amino acid L-canavanine is present and that is what is thought to cause this reaction. However, this is not present in the leaves of the Alfalfa.

Alfalfa is an excellent laxative and also a first class diuretic. It might be used for urinary tract infections, and kidney, bladder and prostrate disorders as well. The most recent discovery of Alfalfa is the advantages that it might provide for lowering cholesterol because there are certain agents in Alfalfa that stick to cholesterol which keeps it from remaining in the blood stream. Additionally, it has a very strong relationship with lowering blood sugar levels.

Because Alfalfa is high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and has all of the required digestive enzymes. many people enjoy it in their kitchen. It is great in salads and a large number of people eat it as a vegetable all alone. A big group of folks claim that eating Alfalfa is a big part of eating healthy. Besides algae and wheat grass, Alfalfa has the biggest nutritional value.

Alfalfa is also great for lowering fevers and is excellent for the blood. It holds natural fluoride which help in preventing cavity. Alfalfa makes a very good tea. The tea is not only made for human consumption it also has a great effect on plants when you use it as a foliar spray. Alfalfa as mulch isanother way of using it for flower beds.

Now the taste of Alfalfa is something to get used But once you did get used to it (don't give up) it will help in reducing the appetite for heavier foods. So Alfalfa is a great help when you are on a diet.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Medicinal Qualities of Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus has medicinal qualities

What! Eucalyptus globulus

Where? Originally Australia but now also found in the Mediterranean.

Working? Eucalyptus leaves consist mainly of eucalyptol. This substance is very anti-inflammatory and helps with infections in the windpipe and mouth.

From the leaves oil is taken through a steam distiller the oil is then used in inhalation products but also in licorice and other throat lubricating candies.

The branches of the eucalyptus tree are very heavy when they get older the branches fall of the tree with extreme force. This has caused the death of several humans and animals already. Also eucalyptus can be poisonous if you have to much. Koala bears b have build a natural resistance against this phenomonen, this Australian animal practically only eats eucalyptus leaves.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Stinging Nettle Another one of the herbs with medicinal qualities

Stinging Nettle and its medicinal qualities

What? Urtica dioica and urtica urens

Where? All over the place

Working? Stinging nettle holds a lot of potassium. Which is very important for our fluid levels. Stinging nettle helps against getting rid of fluids and can do a good job with cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) and kidney stones. Furthermore the stinging nettle hold vitamin A, C and K and the minerals Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc.

How? Of the dried leaves you can make a nice tea. The plant we see as weed we can find in anti dandruff shampoos as well.

Caution? Lice don’t like the scent of stinging nettles that’s reason why stinging nettles survives but in the meantime your roses are gone. Did you walk through the stinging nettle? Yes well then you can try this remedy put vinegar on the irritated skin, with that the formic acid and acetylcholine which cause the pain are diluted. A solution of mother nature with the same result: Rub ground ivy or plantains on the affected area. These plants are usually found close to the stinging nettle.

Pot Marigold aka calendula

pot marigold calendula
Medical Qualities of Pot Marigold (calendula)

Calendula officinalis

Where? Originally from the Mediterranean and the middle east

Working? Pot Marigold contains a lot of flavenoid (antioxidants) alcohols (disinfective) and Saponins (blood filters)

Used in creams or ointment this combination delivers anti inflammatory and skin repairing effects.

The pot marigold contains a pyrethrum (natural insecticide) as well . If you put a marigold in your garden ants won’t bother you anymore. The marigold contains orange/yellow dye used as food additive it gives cheese and butter a brighter color.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Rooibos a herb with medicinal quality

Medicinal herbs Rooibos

What? Aspalathus linearis

Where? In South Africa close to Ceder Mountain only there rooibos is grown and exported.

It contains vitamin C, flavanoids , iron, fluoride, calcium, copper, potassium and zinc these items help the immune system bones and skin.

How? Tea can be made from rooibos. But now a days rooibos is used in skin products as well.

Caution! Rooibos does not contain caffeine and is there for an ideal alternative for normal tea. Rooibos helps against stomach cramps especially for babies you can mix the tea with the milk

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Drying Herbs

The advantage of drying herbs is that dried herbs are stronger than the fresh ones. Herbs that are fresh still contain all the water in them. The herbs that are dried have more concentrated essential oil. You will find you do not need to use as much of the dried herbs to get the same flavors.

There is a myth that herbs can be oven dried or heated to force dry them. This is not the proper way to dry herbs. The heat can actually release the essential oils which give the herbs their wonderful aroma and flavor. The dehydrator is a different story, used by people that only eat raw, the dehydrator dries your herbs as natural as possible.

The important thing to remember is to make sure the herbs are kept in a warm, dry, and ventilated area for the herbs to dry which is exactly what a dehydrator does for you.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Hemp and the medicinal uses of herbs

Hemp one of the medieval medicinal herbs

What? Cannabis sativa

Where? Originally from the tropics but know you can grow it anywhere with artificial light.

Working? Hemp contains a lot of Linoleic acid which has a lot of unsaturated fats and this is why it has a good effect on hart and artery diseases. Furthermore hemp oil is easily absorbed by the skin so it prevents a dry skin. But the most remarkable is that the flower of hemp contains a lot of THC. This substance influences directly our brain THC is pain killing and soothing there for cannabis is, in some countries , available as a prescribed drug for pain complaints or sleeping disorders.

The most popular hemp product are the drugs hash (hashish) and marihuana mixed with cigarette tabacco they make up the world famous joint. But hemp is also used for creams against extreme dry skin.

Nauseas from a joint? Take vitamin C and sugar that might give some relieve. Cannabis is not live threatening but can be harmful. For first time users and a overdoses it can cause panic attacks or extreme lethargy. And addicted cannabis smokers seem to be more sensitive to psychoses according recent research.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Olive Tree and its medicinal quality

Medicinal Quality of the Olive tree

What? Olea Europaea

Where? Mediterranean

Working? Since the early days olives are used to make oil, creams, shampoos etc.. The fruits of the olive tree (olives) contain anti antioxidants and many unsaturated fats. There for olives prevent hart and arteries diseases. Olives also lubricate our intestines and help the constipation.

How? Internal or external use olive oil is good for you. Olive oil should be part of your regular kitchen ingredients. Another benefit is that olive oil makes your hair and skin look healthy. Creams and shampoos with olive oil prevent dryness and aging.

In the 70th and 80th many northern people had diarrhea during their visit to the Mediterranean. The sewer and or the tap water were often blamed. But it was just that the people were not used to the lubricating olive oil they were used to butter.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Medicinal Quality of the Tea Tree

tea tree
Tea Tree has medicinal quality

What? Melaleuca alternifolia

Where? Originally from Australia but now a days also found in Zimbabwe India and Indonesia.

Working? The oil of the tea tree is very good fighting bacteria and fungi because the tea tree contains of a lot of tanning.

How? From the needles of the tea tree oil is taken away with a steam distiller. The oil is processed in many skin products. Now a days tea tree is especially processed in acne products. The oil is only to be used externally and is not allowed to be swallowed. So be careful if you have tooth paste with tea tree oil.

The name does say tea tree but it shouldn’t be used for making tea. Tea comes form a bush not a tree.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How to get dried medicinal herbs a video on drying herbs

Embedded Video on how to dry fresh herbs and medicinal herbs

Monday, July 14, 2008

Aloe Vera Has Medicinal Qualities!

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera

What? Barbadensis Miller

Where? Originally from the middle east but now also in the Mediterranean, middle America and South Africa.

Working? Aloe Vera contains vitamins (A,B12, C and E), minerals (Calcium, Zinc and selenium ) and other disinfecting anti-inflammatory ingredients (Salicylic acid and sulfur).

How? You name it and it contains Aloe Vera from creams and shampoos to toilet paper and pads. And that to protect from dry skin itches and sunburns.

Caution! Now a days Aloe Vera drinks are very easy to come by people drink it to sort out their digestive system for example in case of gastritis.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

St John's wort has Medicinal Qualities

St John's wort
St John's wort

What? Hypericum perforatum

Where? Europe and Asia

Working? One of the most important elements of St John's wort is hyperforine. This substance influences the working of serotonins. Which is the neurotransmitter which plays an important role with depressions and intestine complaints. St John's wort is also called the “natural Prozac” because it helps against when feeling down, bad appetite and mild depressions.

How? Tea can be made with St John's wort but also tablets and capsules are available at the drugstore.

Only use St John's wort after consulting your medical advisor. It can effect the working of other medication such as anti conception, official anti depressive and even medication against cancer.

Monday, July 7, 2008

What Herbs Have Medicinal Qualities? Ask Doctor Nature

Is that cough taking a bit long?
Are you getting desperate of your red swollen eyes?
Don’t despair often Mother Nature can lend a hand.
Healing plants and their healing power

Medicinal Herbs

Scent healer
What? Lavandula Angustifolia

Where? Originally in countries with a warm and dry climate but now in everybody’s back yard.

Working? Lavender contains flavinoids (anti-oxidants), tanning and terpenes. Anti-oxidants protect the cells against aging. Tanning is anti-inflammatory and disinfects. Terpenes defend against bacteria and fungi. The plant disinfects and calms wounds and itches for example bug bites.

How? Internal and external use. Lavender tea calms the stomach and the intestines. But the plant in products for the skin. Not only because it is calming and disinfecting but also because of the scent. Already since humans exist it is known as a calming scent. Lavender is also used in crèmes massage oil perfumes and incense.
Caution! Don’t use lavender during pregnancy, lavender is known to stimulate menstruation. Another point of caution is that some people react allergic to lavender it can cause a rash or an itch.

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