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Friday, August 8, 2008

Balsam of Tolu the medicinal qualities

The herb Balsam of Tolu comes from a tree that is very tall and has its home in South-American countries like Argentina, Venezuela, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Columbia and Peru. Also known as Balsam of Peru because it was in the beginning exported primarily from Peru. The resin of this tree is the most precious and is taken in the same way as is done with rubber trees so by tapping the tree. The gummy resin from the tree is made into balsam. At present, the main exporters of Balsam of Tolu are Columbia, El Salvador, and Venezuela.

History shows that tribal groups from Central America used the leaves of Balsam of Tolu to treat such common slight illnesses such as arthritis, asthma, colds, flu, and external wounds. Other parts of South-America used it for deodorant others for asthma, bronchitis headaches, rheumatism, catarrh, sores, tuberculosis venereal diseases and wounds.

The growth of popularity of the medicinal qualities of balsam of tolu the US started to use it mainly for treatments as cough suppressants and respiratory aids used in cough lozenges and syrups, for sore throats, and as a vapor inhalant for respiratory distress. The Germans were using it for pharmaceutical purposes as well. They found that they could use the medicinal quality of Balsam of Tolu very well for anti fungal, anti bacterial and anti parasitic purposes so they started using it for such things as scabies, ringworm, lice, minor ulcerations, wounds, bedsores, and diaper rash. Nowadays you find it in hair tonics, anti dandruff shampoos, feminine hygiene sprays and as a natural fragrance in soaps, detergents, creams, lotions, and perfumes.

Generally its topical use is recommended for skin rashes, eczema, and skin parasites such as scabies, ringworm, and head lice. Balsam of Tolu is considered sensitizing oil which means that it is more likely to cause an allergic reaction to the skin or be a skin irritant than other herbal oils might be in people who are sensitive or commonly have allergies to plants and herbs.

Balsam of Tolu has a smell close to vanilla and does taste like it as well. It is used mostly for flavoring cough syrups, soft drinks, confectioneries, and chewing gums. Balsam of Tolu is widely available now in the U.S. The essential oil distilled from the gum is sold in small bottles and used topically, in aromatherapy. The fragrance is considered to be healing and comforting. It is useful for meditation and relaxation which is why it has become so popular amongst the world of aromatherapy. Balsam of Tolu has a very unique aroma which makes it excellent for exotic floral fragrances.