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Saturday, August 23, 2008

What Herbs Have Medicinal Qualities? Belladonna?

Belladonna has medicinal qualities

What! Atropa Belladonna (deadly nightshade)

Where? Originally Europe and Asia but now also found in the US, Australia and India.

Working? The key substance won from Belladonna is atropine which is used for dilating the pupils of the eye. A tiny amount of atropine can cause the heart rate to increase. Cough syrups that contain atropine are a help when treating bronchitis and whooping cough.

How? From all parts of the belladonna poisonous and narcotic substances are taken to prepare medication.

Caution! As all of the belladonna is poisonous and narcotic we do NOT recommend or advocate use or consumption of any of these herbs. Improper use of any part of the belladonna can kill you!!!!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

What Herbs Have Medicinal Qualities? Basil?

As we speak tomato sauce and basil go together almost any where you go in the world. The easiness of growing basil as long as the temperature is above 49 degrees and is in the full sun. Basil can be and is used fresh or dried in a lot of dishes. The strange thing is that the longer basil simmers in a dish the better the flavor of the dish gets. This is why cooks simmer their pasta sauces as long as possible, correct just to bring out all of the rich herb flavors. Usually in sauces for pasta oregano is used in combination with basil. Basil is also used for flavoring meats, vegetables, fish, and soups not just used for pasta or tomato sauce.

Might you take on growing an herb garden, do not forget to plant basil it will keep the flies away as flies are also part of the group that does not care for basil. What is also known about basil is people saw it as a royal herb which had a strong association to love. Basil had a relationship with how men of a much earlier time planned on proposing to their fair maidens. The man would bring a branch of Basil and if the woman accepted his gift she silently agreed to love him and be faithful to him for eternity.

As a member of the mint family basil has many medicinal qualities as well. Most people associate anything mint with helping the digestive system and also for its anti gas properties. Herbalists use basil usually for health ailments such as vomiting, stomach cramps, anxiety, headaches and constipation. Tea is made out of basil for these purposes. There are also people claiming that a nice hot cup of basil tea can really helps to a good nights sleep. If you really do not like basil tea try to buy the basil capsules in herbal stores.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Balsam of Tolu the medicinal qualities

The herb Balsam of Tolu comes from a tree that is very tall and has its home in South-American countries like Argentina, Venezuela, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Columbia and Peru. Also known as Balsam of Peru because it was in the beginning exported primarily from Peru. The resin of this tree is the most precious and is taken in the same way as is done with rubber trees so by tapping the tree. The gummy resin from the tree is made into balsam. At present, the main exporters of Balsam of Tolu are Columbia, El Salvador, and Venezuela.

History shows that tribal groups from Central America used the leaves of Balsam of Tolu to treat such common slight illnesses such as arthritis, asthma, colds, flu, and external wounds. Other parts of South-America used it for deodorant others for asthma, bronchitis headaches, rheumatism, catarrh, sores, tuberculosis venereal diseases and wounds.

The growth of popularity of the medicinal qualities of balsam of tolu the US started to use it mainly for treatments as cough suppressants and respiratory aids used in cough lozenges and syrups, for sore throats, and as a vapor inhalant for respiratory distress. The Germans were using it for pharmaceutical purposes as well. They found that they could use the medicinal quality of Balsam of Tolu very well for anti fungal, anti bacterial and anti parasitic purposes so they started using it for such things as scabies, ringworm, lice, minor ulcerations, wounds, bedsores, and diaper rash. Nowadays you find it in hair tonics, anti dandruff shampoos, feminine hygiene sprays and as a natural fragrance in soaps, detergents, creams, lotions, and perfumes.

Generally its topical use is recommended for skin rashes, eczema, and skin parasites such as scabies, ringworm, and head lice. Balsam of Tolu is considered sensitizing oil which means that it is more likely to cause an allergic reaction to the skin or be a skin irritant than other herbal oils might be in people who are sensitive or commonly have allergies to plants and herbs.

Balsam of Tolu has a smell close to vanilla and does taste like it as well. It is used mostly for flavoring cough syrups, soft drinks, confectioneries, and chewing gums. Balsam of Tolu is widely available now in the U.S. The essential oil distilled from the gum is sold in small bottles and used topically, in aromatherapy. The fragrance is considered to be healing and comforting. It is useful for meditation and relaxation which is why it has become so popular amongst the world of aromatherapy. Balsam of Tolu has a very unique aroma which makes it excellent for exotic floral fragrances.

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Medicinal Qualities of Asafoetida

This herb has medicinal qualities Asafoetida

The herbal plant Asafoetida that has many diverse uses as there are aid for a remedy for headaches, digestion,an expectorant, and an antidote. Asafoetida has been tried on some mental impairment but only a few times did it make any significant difference except for mild anxiety. Because of that the primary focus is on bodily functions where it is of more benefit.

The herb has its medicinal qualities like it works on gas and the bloating associated with it but further it also helps with constipation it eases indigestion and, rids stomach cramps. If the herb is mixed with water it helps the treatment of migraines and tension headaches. As for using Asafoetida as an antidote, it really helps for snake bites and an insect repellent when in combination with garlic.

Asafoetida often referred to as the "Food of the Gods" . The resin is the main part thats being used and it makes up a volatile oil. Asafetida has an amazing history as it was often used, back in time by Alexander the Great, for flavoring. That was back in 4 B.C. still in early times, as mentioned before Asafoetida was used to treat gas and the bloating associated with it. Carrying through time the resin gum is used often for vegetarian dishes that are prepared in India. Nowadays, it is one of the main flavorings in Worcestershire sauce.

Asafoetida oil gets rid of excess mucus and eases the respiratory system. A lot of people use it for bronchitis, whooping cough and, asthma. Where expectoration is an issue asafoetida helps in expelling accumulated cough. Some mixtures that seem to blend together well for coughs and as expectorants are real ghee with roasted fresh resinous gum powder or a mixture of asafetida powder with honey, white onion juice, dry ginger and betel nut juice.

Asafoetida does not have a pleasant odor, so bad that many call it the "Devil's Dung" The bad odor comes from the resin that is removed from the plant's root and stem. Asafoetida is family of the fennel plant but a relative to the carrot. The strange odor is formed from the organic sulfur compound found as part of the essential oils. When it comes to the value of the Asafoetida tree, the older, the better and trees less than four years of age are as good as worthless.

Another thing about Asafoetida is also suggested that it may increase the chances of male fertility and often it is used for toothaches as well.

You can find Asafoetida in the marketplace and most likely it will be available in three variants, the first one is called tears which are usually sold in Chinese pharmacies and characteristically it has fragments of root and earth. The second variant is a paste which is very commonly used as a condiment for flavoring beans, sauces, pickles, dishes like curry and a lot of people use it instead of garlic.